We accept applications for the next edition of the SailBook Cup 2015 regatta
Last Saturday took place Closing Ceremony of SailBook Cup Regatta 2014. We reached the end of the fourth edition, so the time has come to prepare for the fifth edition of SailBook Cup! From today we start to accept applications for SailBook Cup regattas in 2015 – this can be done either through the application form on the website, as well as via e-mail, providing the necessary information.
Our idea is to create a race by sailors for sailors. Only in this way we have a chance to preserve the unique atmosphere of our event. Every year we try to give everything to the race participants who trust us, to had a reason to be pleased with the results of our work. We are two and sailors arrive annually.
Want to help us?
Do you have company? You want your brand has become recognizable. Or maybe you have a product you would like to present to our sailors. Events such as the regatta is the best opportunity to secure unobtrusive advertising (word of mouth marketing, product placement). Write to us at the following address: regaty@sailbook.pl . We are flexible as to the conditions for cooperation.
Have you got the enthusiasm and energy? Become a volunteer SailBook Cup Regatta 2015. We will show you how to prepare our event and you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your skills. Any talent is useful – you write, draw, programming, taking pictures, cook. We provide the opportunity to pursue internships for Event Management, E – Marketing, Social Media, Public Relations, Journalism and Social Communication, Polish Philology, English Studies, Computer Graphics, Internet and Mobile Applications.