Yearly Archives: 2015

SailBook Cup 2015: Epilogue

At 10th October we ended SailBook Cup Regatta 2015 officially. The ceremony was also combined with a recapitulation of the Grand Prix of the Vistula Lagoon. Marshal’s Office of Warmia and Masuria, partner of the regatta, took care for the presentation of awards for Long Distance Polish Maritime Champions.

Representatives of the most of the crews appeared in the Stary Młyn hotel. In addition, there were also partners and sponsors of the regatta. More than a hundred of invited guests, with Jerzy Wcisła among them, Jerzy Wroński, chairman of the Elblag Regional Yachting Association, representatives of City of Sopot and Pomorskie Voivodeship authorities – co-organizer of the event.

After greeting, Mr. Wcisła spoke to the audience about the characteristic of the water resources of the region, told about past successes in popularization of the regional water tourism and about development plans. He also stressed, that events such as SailBook Cup are a great opportunity for local governments’ cooperation, and for the sailors, who usually are sailing in the bay, great opportunity to explore the Baltic Sea. He invited all maritime sailors to explore Vistula Lagoon, use the infrastructure of the Żuławy Loop and to participate in numerous events organized in these waters. SailBook Cup was presented as a joint success and an example of well organized water event, where the good atmosphere and the participants are placed in the first place. For our part, we can declare that in subsequent editions it won’t change.

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Mrs. Regina Czymbor announced the second part of the evening by inviting Commander of the race and Ola Warecka – his right-hand man – to took over the command. It was the part of the official end of the SailBook Cup regatta, which was more sociable than you might expect. We thanked the co-organizers, sponsors and partners for their invaluable contribution in the realization of this event by giving them commemorative statuettes. Then, we awarded the winners of the first leg from Sopot to Visby and gave a special prize. The fair play statuette went to the skipper and the crew of yacht More, who resigned from their own result in the race to help the other team, which lost the rudder.

In addition, the award went also to: Bartek Czarciński (the only solo entry in this edition), a yacht and the crew of (the fastest yacht of the regatta in absolute time) and Monika Kwiatkowska in the honorable function the ambassador of the regatta.

The presentation of the major trophies was combined with awards for the medalists the Long distance Polish Marine Champions. Gold medals received: the crew of Quick Livener in class ORC 1, the crew of 2 easy in class ORC 2, the crew Good Speed in class KWR, the crew Arbitrator in class Open (all results are available at We are enormously proud and happy – after all, we have almost a hundred of new Polish Maritime Champions.

Jacek Zieliński won a silver SailBook Cup cup, but it’s not his name was immortalized on the prize. „We decided to dedicate this victory to Leo – his struggle with the disease still guided us during the preparations for the 5th edition of SailBook Cup. Leo! We engraved your name on the cup, wishing you to go back to health and when you will be a little bit older, you will fulfill your dreams!” – Jacek said during his short speech. Jacek decided to give his second statuette to the School and Education Center in Damnica for the 60th anniversary of the institution.”

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Each crew, that completed the race, received prizes donated by the sponsors of the regatta with a total value of 40.000 PLN. Traditionally, participants got their prizes after drawing.

In the evening, at the end of the SailBook Cup ceremony, took place the premiere presentation of the movie, made by Monika Wiater, which was filmed on board of the yacht Four Winds, on Gotland and in the Baltic Sea. You must admit, that despite of many acknowledgments and prizes awarding went extremely well and the speeches were kept to a minimum.

The last part of the evening, the summary of the Grand Prinx of the Vistula Lagoon, was held after a short music break. Jerzy Wcisła and Henryk Wronkowski, the chairman of ERYA, handed the trophies. They were delighted by the achievements of the crews during the Long distance Polish Maritime Championships and invited the young generation of sailors to participate in the competition, just like participants of SailBook Cup did. In the end, Konstantin Małecki, the representative of the Kaliningrad Sailing Federation, expressed his satisfaction with international cooperation with Polish sailors. Then, the guests were invited to an informal part of the evening – the premiere presentation of photos from the race made by Kuba Niewiński in the rhythm of shanties sang by Marek Józefów.

As the organizers, we would like to thank our guests for the nice atmosphere: officials, the participants of the regatta and all supporters. Special thanks go to those, who came from distant regions of Poland (including sailors from Wroclaw and Krakow). A time counter is already counting to the next adventure – 16.07.2016! We invite you for the next training with the wild boar and the next day, traditionally at noon, SailBook Cup 2016 will begin. Current information will be published on

Sailbook Cup regatta was held in 2015 with the help and cooperation with numerous institutions and companies:

Honorary patronage:

Marshal’s of Warmia and Masuria Mr. Mieczysław Struk

Organizares:, Pomorskie Voivodeship


City of Sopot, Marshal’s Office of Warmia and Masuria, SSI Jerzy Kuliński, Polski Klub Morski, Navinord, OceanTEAM


Naftoport, Konsal, InterRisk, Fiat Auto Poland, Seldén, Aero-Vaerft, Prime System, Ocean Sails, Henri Lloyd, Księgarnia Morska, Morka,, Nova Pierogova, MobilTruck, WaterToGo, BoardRockerz, Leo Centrum Języków Obcych, Tartak Chruściel

Media patronage:

Polskie Radio Jedynka, Radio Gdańsk, Radio Koszalin, SSI Jerzy Kuliński, Tró, Tawerna Skipperów, Magazyn Prestiż, Magazyn W Ślizgu, Młody Elbląg, Magazyn Wiatr, SailForum, Yacht Boat News,

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cspi0363      cspi0342   cspi0251 

CSPI0324(1)   CSPI0579(1)

CSPI0771(1)    CSPI0820(1)

One day left!

Today we have integration party on Pirate Ship.

Every day the ship offers to its visitors a 40-minute cruises on the Gulf of Gdansk, you can eat well there, relax with a drink, in true pirate styling. You can see how ducats are minted and hear the peals of several cannons. These sizable 45 meters can accommodate up to 200 people, therefore its perfectly suited to the charters, shanties and such events as sailing feasts!




Start today at 20.30!

Free entrance

Our regatta competitors have special privileges. You can not miss this!

Hands on board on SailBook Cup 2015

Who wants to sail with us, but don’t have the boat yet? Two boats are still completing crews – s/y Barnaba and Meltemi Charter. About details please contact directly to captains.


Contact Barnaba – Eugeniusz Jadczuk +48 603-417-274


Contact Meltemi Charter – Michał Górecki 605-615-017



Bartek Czarciński is the last one from 35 participants – nice round number. He’s going to take part in the regatta on „Perła Gdyni”, an eight-meter-long yacht, which he built on his own. Also, he intends to take a trip around the world in the footsteps of Henryk Jaskuła.

Once again, we have a full range of participant: those, who prefer to wander in the Baltic Sea, most ambitious sailors competing on the oceans and travellers, who are accomplishing the most difficult sailing challenge in the world.

From the very beginning, SailBook Cup was a perfect place to test the crew and the yacht before the dream adventure – for Krystian Szypka before the Ostar 2013; for Szymon Kuczyński before the single-handed sailing around the world – Maxus Solo Aroud (Szymon currently is somewhere on the Panama Canal); for Michał Orzoł and his boat “Bliski” – he starts his journey around the world… and for all those participants, whose goals and dreams were not terminated yet.

The year 2015, the fifth edition and Tomek Konnak, who’s watching us since the beginning and won the prize as accompanying boat (twice), decided to reach for the victory – will “Czarodziejka” be able to conjure the podium in ORC?

The five-meter-long “Gringo”, owned by Łukasz Stawki, is the smallest boat in the race. The biggest one is “Barnaba”, owned by Jerzy Kadczuk, who is taking part in the regatta for the 3rd time. Will “Fujimo” (skippered by Mariusz Kowalski) be the fastest yacht? Here’s the new motto of the regatta: “the winner is the one, who will complete the entire route of the race and will stay in one piece” ;)

This year, each participant is involved in the “Go to Leo” – all revenue of the downloadable applications from the Yellowbrick will be transferred to the account of the Foundation. A sailor, who are struggling with the Baltic Sea are having the opportunity to help Leo in his fight against the disease and remove Ondine’s curse – isn’t it amazing?

Wouldn’t it be nice to extend the regatta on another island, so the race would last as long as possible…


Who knows, maybe next year?


At present our race is supported by: the City of Sopot, Naftoport, Fiat Auto Poland, oceanTEAM, Henri Lloyd, Jerzy Kuliński, Prime System and Ocean Sails.

31. s/y Waruna
32. s/y Froya
33. s/y Resumee
34. s/y Czarodziejka
35. s/y Perła Gdyni

Not for the trophy, but to break the curse


This year, the regatta has another goal. Help us to break the Course!

plyne dla leo media-01

We decided to help raise funds for the development of research into the disease known as Ondine’s curse. In Norse mythology, Ondine is the water nymph, who lured young boys with her songs to drown them. Today, Ondine’s curse is a lethal disease associated with insufficient supply of oxygen to the body.


On the occasion of the fifth edition of the regatta SailBook Cup, we will try to remove this nasty curse of Norse goddess.

All proceeds from the download apps from our regatta satellite Tracked by Yellowbrick will be donated to the Foundation’s account.


More about the Ondine’s curse

Ondine’s curse is most commonly used to refer to congenital central hypoventilation syndrome – it’s a rare, genetically determined, a potentially deadly disease. Patients afflicted with this syndrome suffer from respiratory arrest during sleep.

In normal conditions, we do not control breathing consciously, our body’s autonomic nervous system controls it. This control is accomplished through the levels of gases in the blood including the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Children with CCHS have impaired responses to abnormal concentrations of oxygen and blood levels of carbon dioxide and the neurological feedback mechanism that monitors them, do not react quickly enough to maintain an even respiratory rate, which result acidification of the body and death. There’s about 1200 people in the world with CCHS.


Meet Leo


Leo was born on 16 December 2010 with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS). As soon as he falls asleep, Leo must be connected through the tracheotomy tube to a respirator. He requires constant supervision and care – both day and night, constant rehabilitation and medical care. Probably, when he will be older, it will be possible to implant him a diaphragm pacing system, so he won’t need to use a respirator anymore.

You can find all information about Leo on the website Leoblog and on Facebook Akcja Pomocy Dla Leosia. Leo parents are international coordinators for the CCHS Foundation in Poland.


The movie “Our Curse”


There’s a movie about the disease of Leo (directed by Tomasz Śliwiński, Poland, 2013, 27 minutes), which is a personal statement by the director – he and his wife have to deal with this very rare, incurable disease of their newborn child. During the movie you can see the process of anxiety associated with the disease. The history of movie characters is described on the blog: The production was awarded at numerous festivals and nominated for an Oscar.

The film is available on the platform of the New York Times Op-Docs.


You can also help by transferring 1% of the tax:

KRS number 0000186434; Specific objective: “Leo Hueckel-Śliwiński 36 / H”


Yachts arrives like mushrooms after the rain :)

Three weeks of plenty applicantions behind us. Another twelve boats joined to our adventure, so we already reach last year record.

We are happy to do all the preparation to make exceptional Slavonic event.

I promised that there would not be a boar this time, I do what I can for him to let him peacefully run across the wilderness, that is why we are thinking about new secular menu tradition – maybe dumplings with shrooms and cabbage from Nova Pierogova?:)

Here are our players:

16. s/y Pardosa – first trimaran in SailBook Cup 2015


17. s/y Reset – Artur Sykson this time on Gib Sea 362


18. s/y Sunrise – Krystian Szypka, Ostar sailor ;p


19. s/y Endorphine – winner of KWR class in 2014.


20. s/y Bliski – jacht was constructed as a crossing boat with snail :) and for gents, who would not sail to wind.


21. s/y Gringo – modified construction Setka type


22. s/y Copernicus – flag unit of  Gdynia’s Yacht Klubu Stal, 

participant of Whitbread Round The World Race in 1973 year


23. s/y Mikka – second trial to SailBook Cup, 

last year they had engine problems, which crossed out they from starting list.


24. s/y Strefa Ciszy 2 – with comandor of Jachklub Elblag


25. s/y Four Winds – remembered by us for will to fight 2014′ 

– 400 NM on torned mainsail;)


26. s/y – ex Blagodarnost, ex Rubin in new hands


 27. s/y Cecilia – yellow Murena 30


It looks to be an exciting week on the Baltic:)

About my first regatta

My first race … I’m a biker. I have always been. I once told my children that when I’ll be 50 years old and I’be an old guy, I’ll buy the Gold Wing for myself (it’s such a big couch on two wheels, with armrests, radio, TV, refrigerator, ice maker, grill;) and I’ll drive along the wide roads.

When I turned 50. I said that I postponed being an old guy, I’m still a young ass;) So, as my dear wife said, I started to fuss! Once someone talked me for some skiing, another time I decided to do diver course, which I didn’t finish previously. More and more I liked it coming. Somehow, I came to the marina in Gdynia and I saw sails. When I was on holiday I made a patent for sailing and I became addicted to this! For real :) I once upon a time my friend called me – it was in June:

– There’s job! You have to help someone to remove the boat from Gdynia to Tolkmicko.

You didn’t have to tell me twice. At this time I didn’t know that this boat will be my future home for almost two weeks. Here’s how I met skipper Sławek Frajkopf and his s/y Kristi… Anyway, the boat didn’t know that it would be her name ;)


It turned out that in July the captain is planning to take a part in some kind of race. I’ve checked when I’m able to take a time off and I registered as a crew member. Just a few weeks before the start of the regatta I’ve heard the bad news – our participation in the race is a big question mark, because of the failure of the engine – the head of the engine was cracked. How it’s possible? We won’t go to Sweden? I won’t take a part in the regatta? I won’t see Gothland? Oh no! That cannot be! What kind of engine it is? Give me that head, I’ll weld it by myself!

But it turned out that it was more complicated. The head was made of cast iron, we weren’t able to fix it, the engine was out of the market for forty years, no one has any parts to replace the broken one. A total breakdown! Finally, our captain found the head – some magician of marine engines from Stockholm had it. But will we have it in time? I’ve had some stupid ideas to ride my bike to Sweden, but… the ferry, I would have to take two days off… In the end, we sent it by courier, who delayed the delivery so much, that I bitten my nails almost to the elbows. But it worked… just in time! ;)


Me and Sławek went for the supplies and two other crew members on Thursday, 17th. Blażej – a young sailor, but with a very experienced in racing, amazing “sense” and sailing instinct. Natalia – very nice and very pretty Błażej’s girlfriend, who declared herself as the cook and additionally became a good spirit of the crew. The good spirit was protecting us from the captain’s anger. Her smile or even presence was enough for the skipper to forget what was he mad about – he was happy again.

On Thursday afternoon, we’re leaving Tolkmicko to make it to Sopot for the integration event and there’s the first hassle – drawbridge in Rybina is closed until the next morning. Waiting and wasting time was very painful. But every cloud has a silver lining… Though not for the Facil. We found the crew from Facil in the bush next morning along with the guys from Elblag.
The propeller was tangled in the seaweed, so we helped them, just like noble knights…
We were sailing together, sometimes boardside to boardside, to exchange the beer (ours was warm, theirs was chilled straight from the fridge;). Just before Sobieszewo we’ve had a second problem – we’ve realized that the bridge will be opened an hour earlier than we thought. Damn it! If we don’t make it, another opening won’t be until late afternoon and they will eat the whole boar in Sopot without us! Motivation is too strong not to make it, so we’re rocking the boat as much as it’s possible (Lord protect our new head…). Fortunately, Kristi’s engine and propeller are strong as a tug, so we go like ORP Błyskawica! Facil was behind us, and with freshly purified propeller, he was trying to keep pace. We made it!


Some young man, who is running all over the Sopot’s quay, caught our fast. He made a node within milliseconds, threw the rope on the bitt and he run to the next boat. He was so fast, that I didn’t even know how that happened – I guess that he must have been a good sailor.
You still don’t know who’s the guy I’m talking about? It was Jacek. The main organizer of the regatta greets everyone with a handshake as soon as we pop-up on the shore. He’s in very good mood. He’s cool, everyone’s like this? Indeed – as I discovered during the integration.
Somehow, I didn’t feel that it was my first time here and soon I’ve had dozen of new friends!
One man with a beard, very modest and likeable, looked familiar to me, but we figured out during the conversation, that haven’t met before. Later it turned out that it was the captain from Generał Zaruski! ;)
Our last crew member – Tomek, came during the event. He’s nice, young student, with a huge experience, he survived even the storms in the North Sea. He was my mate during the watch. Yeah… Am I the least experienced member of the crew? No, I’m not! There’s also Natalka ;)




On Saturday, it’s time for last provision; the opening ceremony of the regatta, photos, applause, the orchestra’s playing and we’re on the water! You can feel the excitement among the people, but also a joy – just like a child, when it get’s a huge bowl of ice creams with some fruits. Most of the participants worked very hard and had to overcome numerous obstacles to get here, but the party’s on!


The start was amazing: beautiful weather, beautiful yachts and plenty of other boats around, but it was time to start the race. We were tacking all the way to Hel and talked with each other; we watched the peninsula from the north and than, slowly went out into the sea. In the evening, the first watch has started and I felt … that I cannot even go to sleep. I gave Neptune a bow – I do not know if it’s because I mixed different kinds of alkohol yesterday or it’s the rocking the boat … in any case, after that I slowly returned to normal and I didn’t have such problems anymore ;)

We change the watch in every 8 hours, I’m fine with the rhythm of work on board; I started to relax and forgot about the problems I’ve left on the shore, thanks to a simple repetitive tasks. Slowly, I’m turning into a damn Viking, who has only three problems: to sleep in, to eat and s… ;) And that’s a huge problem! The captain gave the only toilet on board exclusively for Natalka. Well, of course! If she smiles a little bit longer and batting her lashed a little bit more, he would give her the whole boat ;))

The first day, Natalka was emptying the kettle for the old water overboard, she turned it upside down, shook, and she watched with a surprise as the lid falls into the water to be gone forever. Captain, instead of being angry and yell at her for ruining the property, was laughing so hard, that he almost fell over the rail. Then, Natalka threw a bucket for scooping the sea water, and by the way, she almoste threw herself overboard;) But hey, we were sure that even if she throw away the laptop with navigation, she will be fine. But the rest of the crew knew, that as captain wakes up and sees such a stuff like: unwashed cups or a knife, flashlight and binoculars out of their place, one’s can immediately throw himself into the sea !;)

We were surrounded by a void, only water and sun, sometimes we’ve seen another boat on the horizon. At night, I realized that the nearest shore is min. 100 miles away. Oh mummy! If something goes wrong, we will be busted. We will have to repair every failure on our own… and we can only count on ourselves, or other participants of the regatta, of course, if they hear our calling. Later it turned out (shame on me – but I’ll write about it later) that Kristi has a radio like a space shuttle! If Sławek had a similar radio at home, he could chat with his wife ;)


Finally, we saw the shore – it was the Gothalnd! We were a little bit late against the rest of the fleet, when suddenly the wind began to blow. We reef the sails, it’s blowing harder and the skipper yawns; the water strikes us into the faces and captain is ordering a cup of tea; here goes a huge wave, the water hits the hull trying to stop us and our captain is looking for the lighter; the waves are starting to grow and some of them are reaching the spreaders, so finally, the captain is interested and decides to change the course for more favorable – go to the shore – it’s the race eventually!
Close to the shore the wind was weaker, about 5 knots, and our skipper is doing what? He orders to go back into the sea, because there’s some „calm” ;)
I do not remember exactly how long we’re sailing in a storm, a dozen hours or so, but finally I heard the captain’s shouting: I can feel the land! Can you feel it? Smells like honey!;)

As we reached Visby in the evening, moored next to the Facile’s side, we were surrounded by shouts and cheers from the shore. It was a warm and friendly welcome. Jacek handed us the champagne, I took a small sip – Jeez! So good;) I cannot describe what I felt, I guess everything at once. Then, the first showers after few days and Polish Evening on the shore alongside Zaruski. Life could not be any better! :)

The next day we have to repair the electrical wiring because something was wrong with it, so there’s was no time to explore the island. After a long tinkering and looking for a needle in a haystack, we resolved the problem. Many thanks to Łukasz Politański from s / y Facil for helping us and lending us tools, and the young genius from s / s Bystrze for his time and accurate “investigation” !;) The weather in Visby was amazing, it was warm and sunny, a nice old town with many monuments and streets – it was a pleasure to walk down those streets, to enjoy some hard ground underfoot. But, as the true sailors, when we were at the sea, we longed for the land, and when we were on the land, we longed for the water.

A restart of the race – the wind was favourable from the very beginning, so we went the north immediately. Then, minute after minute, the wind began to calm. During the night watch we figured out that we overtook Generał Zaruski, which was almost standing still. We were hungry and we started to talk about food. Tomek told me, that today the crew from Zaruski ate the damn apple pie for dessert. – You kidding me? Really? Give me the radio!
The officer of the watch confirmed that they have apple pie and if we wait for them, they will treat us. The temptetion was strong, but we knew that the skipper will throw us overboard and we’re going to eat the apple pie from the ground. ;)


The next day – we’re standing. Everything is standing still. The sun is warm. Sails are hanging. The captain is grim (I guess we need to wake up Natalka;) But it is not so bad, we have the permission to swim in the sea, so the ladder goes overboard and we jump into the water! We are near Sweden, in the middle of the sea and the water is warm just like the lake in the Kashubian region, great – nice holidays! The Generał Zaruski was standing or going very slow a bit further. The crew set every single sail they had, even such tiny “wipes” at the top of mast !;) What’s more, there was no fly, not to mention about any breeze. Later, we took a lap around the Gotska Sandon – it was an agony. Some light wind appeared at night and the first watch decided to set the spinnaker and silently get close to s / s Wanda to scare Michał, who sailed on the eastern side of the island. He wanted to go near the shore to catch the breeze, but he was afraid that he will hit the rocks and he will be eaten by the from the island. I guess the watch managed to scare Michał, because we’ve heard them laughing in the morning;)


The fleet became very stretched – those yachts, that passed the Gotska several hours before of us, went far to the south. There was a silence, but we’ve heard some selected messages, Jacek Zielinski from s / s Quick Livener reported by the radio and soon we heard Rod Stewart was singing … “I am Sailing …” Damn, somehow I was touched and felt that I would like to stay longer here, on the water, with cool people, birds and fish… but not with the flies!
Where are they come from? Very irritating ones, probably it’s some Swedish maritime variant;)

Finally, Jacek asked us to watch over Michał, because we had much better radio. We need to be sure that he will not go crazy. In fact, our radio was so good, that at one point we’ve heard the border guards from Krynica Morska! Well, unless they were on a beer closer to the north;)


I talked with Michał on our watch, he was probably bored and that’s why he was keeping up our conversation. As far as I remember, he’s a young guy, but knows where is the bow, stern etc. Must be cool one, as he took part in the „tour” alone. In Visby something told me that Wanda propeller is shaft to the left from the axis of the boat, because it crosses the axis of the rudder, as a result you need to do an appropriate adjustment to the helm while sailing. Probably you have to correct it somehow way round, as if there wasn’t a lot of details to keep in mind when you sail etc.
We talk about private stuff, such as how old are we, who have wives, children, etc. Michał is a sweet boy, maybe he will be my son-in-law. He has an awesome boat which I will borrow (later I figured out that it wasn’t his property, he also borrowed the boat, but it did not diminish my affection for him! :) I have three daughters, one doesn’t have a boyfriend and she’s interested in sailing so… I decided to make a joke.

– Michał? How tall are you? (I asked because I know that it is important for my girls)
– 1,82 m. – he said.
– Ok, perfect;) – you won the casting and you can try to pick up my daughter.

At the moment I realized that Kristi’s radio is like a nuclear reactor, thanks to its power, few boats were listening us for whole the time, and we received a comment ;) Immediately, I received a questions\ about a ”various details and specifications” of my girls.
Damn it, what a shame;) Michał was amused, he thanked politely and admitted, that he already had a nice girl. And as for other listening people, I replied that I’m not going to talk about it anymore! (Well, unless I will find myself caught somewhere in the middle ocean min. 300 miles from home, because even Kristis radio hasn’t such a coverage;))

You already know what happened next. Two days almost at one tack, strong wind after passing Hel and a struggle to reach the pier right before the Sopot, because the wind disappeared somewhere. Who greeted us at the finish line? Jacek, of course! (is there a few of them ?;)) Then a great joy, sip of champagne and a long party on Wandas board in the company of other sailors. Too bad it was not Michał’s yacht;)


I wuould like to thank for everything: Jacek and Ola, the organizers, for the fact that they wanted to do something; the captain of s / s Kristi, Sławek, for the fact that he took me for the race (he was not so cruel;), the crew: Natalia, Błażej and Tomek for their company and all participants of the race, for the sense of humor and spontaneous, selfless friendship. I only wish that I had the pleasure to meet you all better but … probably it is not the end of story ?;)

Roman Jastrzębski


The first fifteen

Three next application and there are fifteen of us.

s/y Zena II, leading competitor of Gulf of Gdansk


s/y Barnaba, Ist place Open in SailBook Cup 2013


s/y More, 8-meters oldtimer from Gdansk


SailBook CUP 2015 – starting list on day  10/01/2015

1. s/y Trygław /OPEN
2. s/y Quick Livener /ORC
3. s/y Kristi /KWR
4. s/y Urtica /OPEN
5. s/y Facil /KWR
6. s/y Fujimo /KWR
7. s/y Happiness /KWR
8. s/y Konsal /KWR
9. s/y Anitra /OPEN
10. s/y 2 easy /KWR
11. s/y Czarny Bonawentura /KWR
12. s/y Polled 2 /KWR
13. s/y Zena II /OPEN
14. s/y Barnaba /OPEN
15. s/y More /OPEN